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Strategic Guidance 

  • Supported multinational biopharmaceutical company in development of Access to Medicine strategy and related communications.

  • Co-leading five-year strategy refresh for a global member-based network housed at the World Health Organization that strives to improve reproductive health outcomes around the world.

  • Provided strategic guidance to global medical technology company in development of global donation program.

  • Helped largest U.S. blood and plasma collection product and services company develop COVID-19 donation plan to respond to local and international pandemic.      

Communications Guidance & Writing 

  • Wrote thought leadership whitepaper on the uptake of home loans for energy efficiency upgrades for the leading source of financing for mortgage lenders in the United States.

  • Wrote 2019 corporate responsibility/ESG report for one of the largest global pizza delivery companies and one of the fastest-growing regional banks in the United States. Supported report writing and editing for large global provider of household appliances and one of the largest global insurance companies.  

  • Developed 12-month employee communications and engagement Diversity and Inclusion strategy for large U.S. gas and electric utility company.  

  • Wrote country-specific thought leadership reports on gender inequality for 14 country affiliates of a global human resource and related financial services consulting firm. Reports were adapted from global report with customized forwards, data and content.

  • Regular contributor to Triple Pundit, the leading online ESG magazine. 


Corporate Reputation 

  • Assisted multinational pharmaceutical company with submission of 2020 Access to Medicine Index.

  • Developed Purpose Brand Narrative for a growing consumer financial services company.

ESG Leadership & Advisory Services

  • Executive team member of the Biopharma Sustainability Roundtable, a sector-specific collaboration platform designed to help senior biotech and pharma executives drive sustainability agendas forward. Formalized partnership with CECP (Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose) and planning for 2021 CECP CEO Investor Forum in Partnership with the Biopharma Sustainability Roundtable.

  • Serve on the advisory committee for the Women & Girls Africa Summit.

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